7 foods that will make your skin glow

by Ifeoma Sanita Amadi

Hi, I am a life, beauty & style blogger and sole content creator for whowhatfab.wordpress.com. I’m glad to be guest writing for TOS and in this post I will be sharing with you something special and straight out of your kitchen.

Glowy skin is the big deal now. There are products upon products out there to make your skin glow but you have to remember that in life it is only what you put in that will come out, so no matter how much you spend on these skin products if you’re not eating right you won’t get your desired glowing skin.
So I will be telling you 7 enjoyable types of food that will make your skin glow naturally. Shall we?
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1. Cucumbers
This is almost in every beauty product, but eating them is very important as it is rich in water and this reduces puffiness and enhances your skin tone.
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2. Carrots
Carrots contain a high amount of vitamin A and C, which helps to protect collagen and prevent early aging, leaving your skin looking ever youthful.
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3. Tomatoes
Tomatoes contain selenium which several studies have shown to protect the skin against the harmful effects of the sun, age spots etc. It also works with vitamin E and C as a powerful antioxidant.
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4. Leafy greens
Example of this is our Spinach. Leafy greens contain a high amount of vitamin A which is crucial in keep the skin glowing no matter the season. It promotes new cell growth which leaves the skin looking fresh.


5. Walnuts
Walnuts contain omega 3 fatty acids which improves skin elasticity and it also contains vitamin B, which works as a natural anti-aging tool.
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6. Avocados
Avocados are the ‘jack of all trades’ in the food kingdom, they work for everything ranging from hair to nails and even general health. It is also great for glowing skin as it contains vitamin E and C which increase skin luminosity.
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7. Chocolates
Yes I know right! Dark chocolates contain a high amount of antioxidants that help to keep the skin hydrated. Just make sure your chocolate has a higher percentage of cocoa, at least 70% and you shouldn’t take this all the time.
There you have it guys, so if you want glowing skin, be sure to include these items in your food menu regularly.
Thanks for reading this post I hope you enjoyed it, do leave comments sharing other skin care tips with us.
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