It’s easy to allow yourself to miss a workout, especially when you’re exhausted and strapped for time. But creating the time to exercise will almost always leave you satisfied. Just take a cue from Dwayne Johnson a.k.a The Rock, who shared an inspirational message of why he never skips a training day.
Finding the time to train — regardless of time zone — is the “anchor” that gets him through his 12- to 14-hour days. He went on to encourage his followers to find their anchor. The next time you’re tempted to skip a workout, remember these words from The Rock and push through.
“You always want to protect the thing that allows you to do what you do. In this case, my “thing” to protect is my training. Regardless of what time zone I’m in, or getting pulled in a thousand different directions or how little sleep I’ve gotten – I’ll always find a way to train, get after it and push thru. Training is my anchor – it centers me and allows me to then work a full 12-14 day of business. Find your anchor. Protect your anchor. And always clean up your own sweat!“
Whatever u protect is safe, it could be ur faith.