Natural Remedies: How To Solve Fishy Vaginas

Vaginas are very intricate organs.

One minute, they are independent, self cleansers from the inside out and the very next, rely on their hosts to practice sound hygiene for them to function optimally — free of any unpleasant odors.

Because: it is totally normal for your nether region to have some sort of smell.

Sexual activity, a period’s cycle and the types of underwear a woman fancies all contribute to the smells her delicate lady parts emit. A musky smell could simply mean you’ve been sweating a lot down there and need to amp up hygiene or worse, you might need to see your gynecologist to check for any missing/long forgotten tampons, while a metallic like smell signals the end of your period and shouldn’t last too long.

Vaginas that smell of freshly baked bread or a good malt beer just have an overgrowth of yeast and a slight whiff of bleach is common after intercourse — due to the fact that sperm has its own pH. Tight clothing and non-cotton underpants can restrict your vajayjay from breathing and stales things up really quickly.

On the flip side however, a fishy smell from your deep blue sea could be one of two things;

Bacterial vaginosis, an infection linked to an imbalance of bacteria in the vagina


Trichomoniasis, a common STI that can also be contracted through non-sexual means.

Fishy smells from down yonder are unpleasant and can cause very embarrassing social situations leaving sufferers at a loss on just exactly how to deal with it (and no, douching your delicate flower with fragrances or washing with scented soaps are a huge no!).

So while there’s no skimping on seeing your gynecologist (who should also double as your best friend in your head) and speaking with a pharmacist on the best course of treatment, here are some items in your kitchen right now that can freshen things up down there.

Citrus Fruits

Citrus foods can also help your body fight infections more effectively and prevent vaginal odor. Citrus foods are rich in vitamin C, an immune booster, and they can also help remove harmful toxins present in the body. A strong immune system will allow your body to fight off the harmful bacteria that cause vaginal odor. These fruits will also help fight urinary tract infections.

How To?

  • Simply eat fruits such as grapes, oranges, sweet lime, lemons, cranberries, grapefruits, pineapples and so on.

Plain, Unsweetened Yogurt

It has to be plain and it has to be of the unsweetened variant. Yogurt is rich in lactobacillus bacteria and is effective in restoring normal pH levels.

How to?

  • Eat two cups every day
  • Soak a tampon in the stuff and insert into your body, leave a few hours and rinse thoroughly when done.


Garlic is a natural antibiotic that can be great for dealing with vaginal infections as well as vaginal odor. The antifungal properties present in garlic will help fight a yeast infection and help your body get rid of bad bacteria.

How to?

  • Eat garlic in raw or cooked form on a daily basis. You can eat one or two raw garlic cloves on an empty stomach with a glass of warm water. You can also add garlic cloves or its paste to your dishes and salads.
  • Another option is to put a piece of garlic in the vagina for an hour or two. Do this daily or a few times a week until you get rid of the problem.
Baking Soda
  • Baking soda is another ingredient that can be used to balance the pH level in your body. When the pH level is in balance, the problem of vaginal odor will dissipate.
  • Add one-half cup of baking soda to your bathwater.
  • Soak your lower body in it for about 20 minutes.
  • Dry yourself thoroughly with a clean towel. This remedy will help fight a yeast infection and can help get rid of odor quickly.

White Vinegar

White vinegar has the power to neutralize odors by breaking down odor proteins. A white vinegar rinse will help eliminate vaginal odor. It will also help restore pH levels in the vagina.

How To?

  • Mix one-half cup each of white vinegar and salt in lukewarm bath water.
  • Soak in it for a few minutes.
  • Follow this remedy several times a week.

Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil contains strong antifungal as well as antiseptic properties, and thus it can be used to get rid of unpleasant vaginal odor. It will help get rid of bacteria that are contributing to the problem.

How To?

  • Add three drops of tea tree oil to a cup of water. Use this solution to rinse the affected area daily or several times a week.
  • Alternatively, dip a tampon in olive oil and then put a little tea tree oil on it. Insert the tampon and leave it in for at least one hour. Do this several times a week.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Due to its antibacterial and antiseptic properties, apple cider vinegar can be used to fight vaginal odor. In fact, taking a bath with apple cider vinegar is one of the simplest ways to get rid of the bad odor. This will help fight off the toxins and bacteria that cause vaginal odor. It will also help restore the acidic quality of the vaginal flora.

How To?

  • Mix two cups of apple cider vinegar in warm bath water. Soak in it for about 20 minutes. Follow this remedy several times a week to get quick results.
  • You can also drink a glass of water mixed with one or two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar daily.

In addition to whatever works for you already listed above, thee are regular everyday habits you can’t do without.

  • Drink plenty of water throughout the day to flush out toxins and harmful bacteria from the body. It will also help ward off a variety of health issues.
  • Avoid refined carbohydrates, caffeine and sugary drinks; sugar stimulates yeast production.
  • Check for possible signs of infection that could be causing this problem.
  • Maintain proper personal hygiene.
  • Wear 100 percent cotton panties that allow air circulation and help keep the vulva ventilated, thus avoiding excessive perspiration.
  • Change pads, tampons, and panty-liners frequently.
  • Avoid using scented products down there as they may contribute to unbalanced vaginal pH.
  • If the problem mostly occurs after intercourse then simply wash the vagina with mild soap and water after sex.
  • Practice safe sex.
  • At times, women simply do not like the normal vaginal odor caused by vaginal secretions. However, there is nothing bad about it, you just need to respect your body and embrace your natural odor.

If the problem is severe or does not get better with the home remedies then consult a doctor, like we told you earlier.

Tope Ben-Ajepe

Happy, little woman and self acclaimed mixologist. The Legal Drug Dealer Tweets from @temitope_ben

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