I attended a dance workshop that changed everything. No, it didn’t turn me into a dancer. It showed me that I WAS already one.
I’m not geared up to put my self in front of a large audience just yet but I now know that I was made to dance for the AUDIENCE OF ONE! It’s pretty much that same SPIRIT that David had. The very breath of God that animates and frees us. You’ll never know how beautiful it is to be human till you’re liberated by His very essence.
“Don’t ever let any one ever tell you what true dance is.”
I was sitting once again before one of the most significant teachers in my life, Segun Lawal, founder of Spirit of David.
Sixteen years ago, while I was still in university, he had this interesting take on Divine understanding and purpose that switched things up in my academics and creativity.
His take on Zoe, the Father of all Dance, Life, etc, has not only changed the way I dance, but how I see. As I photographed from behind him at the end of the workshop, he stood; both hands on the wall in prayer. The red splatters on the wall paper seemed to come from him: THIS MAN HAS BLED FOR THIS.
Totally laid his life down to be MOVED only by what he knows he was made for.
I can tell that nothing else matters. But I can [also] tell that it’s been worth it. The commitment not just to the Dance but to learning, teaching and totally living the LIFE that breathes it. WITH EVERYTHING. I see it now.
Photography – TY Bello