5 Reasons You Need Mouthwash In Your Daily Beauty Routine

Mouthwash is bae, rinse and repeat after us,  “Mouthwash is bae!” More people are now religiously adding a mouthwash routine to their daily dental hygiene after brushing and flossing because of the new advantages linked to its ingredients.

When last did you go to the dentist? Oh no, don’t tell us, we are too scared to hear the answer should it be, that you’ve never been. We wouldn’t be surprised though, a 2016 article published on the ThisDay website was about low dentist patronage in Nigeria.

“There is a need for people to imbibe the culture of preventive dentistry, which is all about visiting the dentist regularly for routine checks and in the process, a lot of money is saved that could have been spent of dental diseases,” said Managing Dentist, Choice Dental, Dr Sade Akiode. She rightly pointed out that the mouth is the gateway to the body and that whatever affects the mouth, affects the entire body system.

“Most Nigerians do not visit the dentist, and they often show some pride about it, which for me, is an act of ignorance,” Akiode said.

The Oral Health Foundation revealed that only around 31% of adults use mouthwash on a regular.

Brushing and flossing are the best ways to avoid oral health issues like gingivitis, but adding a mouthwash routine into the equation will help fight against tooth decay and protect gums against periodontitis.

Dentist recommends using a fluoride-based mouthwash because unlike regular mouthwashes, a fluoride one protects the teeth against acids produced by plaque bacteria. It will also strengthen your teeth.

Therapeutic mouthwash should be used to treat certain oral conditions such as mouth ulcers, infections or inflamed gums

Cosmetic mouthwash should be used for freshening breath, removing odour and brightening.

Unlike most people, you should not use mouthwash after brushing your teeth because toothpaste contains a higher concentration of fluoride compared to mouthwash. Embarking on your mouthwash routine after brushing could end up rinsing away the fluoride left to work on your teeth.

So instead, use a mouthwash during the day, perhaps after lunch to either freshen breath or top-up fluoride levels.


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