4 things you don’t know (but should) about cellulite

So you just found out you have a bit of cellulite in a rather non-discrete area of your body, naturally you are freaking out, your mind is running through the usual thoughts any woman who just discovered she has it does. You think you are putting on weight, that your bikini bod days are coming to an end and you are now going to embark on a life long journey to get rid of it.

But here’s what you don’t know about it.

  1. It doesn’t mean you are putting on weight. It does mean your body is changing but it doesn’t mean you need to hop on the next extreme diet plan. However if you do already have cellulite, and you put on some weight, fat tends to pucker up the cellulite, making it more visible than it used to be.
  2. No magical lotion or cream can help you get rid of it no matter how pricey the product might be, or whatever the fine print at the back of the container might promise. In all honesty, the only thing whatever lotion or cream you get for your cellulite is to keep your skin moisturized so the appearance of your cellulite might not be as obvious as it would have been.
  3. If you are truly hell bent on getting rid of your cellulite, the only option you have is extensive laser surgery which will probably cost you the arm and the leg that house the cellulite you are trying to get rid of.
  4. It’s perfectly natural, it all has to do with the makeup of your skin, so free it already it’s really not a big deal.
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