#ShortHorrorStory: When DIY goes horribly wrong

I love DIYing and not just because I am cheap, but because there is this sense of fulfilment that comes with getting it right. And DIYing does go right a lot of times, especially when you are good and follow the instrctions really carefully. But sometimes absolutely nothing stops it from going wrong, and that’s exactly what happened to me when I tried to “DIY” straighten my hair without heat last week.

So I got this tutorial on Pinterest last week, and yes I know Pinterest tutorials never (ever) work. But for some reason I had faith in this particular one, and decided to try it out on one of my favourite weaves that had a rather lose curl pattern. The tutorial instructed me to make a natural hair straightening mask which consisted of 1 cup of coconut milk, 5-6 tbsp of lemon juice, 2 tbsp of olive oil and 3 tbsp of cornstarch. I didn’t have any cornstarch, so I assumed flour will do. I’m not sure if that was the beginning of all my problems or if using cornstarch would have saved my weave from the oncoming disaster I was about to befall on it.

disaster-ahead (1)

I made the mask exactly how it was prescribed, after putting the ingredients together. I heated the whole mixture up at a low temperature and then left it to cool before applying it on my weave, and leaving it on for thirty minutes. I waited the whole thirty minutes imagining my weave was going to turn out like this.


Instead after washing out the mask and waiting for my weave to dry, this was what I got.


I completely lost it.

You know how we get when a hairdresser cuts at the weft of our weave. We completely spazz out, like Kanye level spazzing. But I didn’t have anybody to take it out on, so I just curled into a ball and cried. I’m not even ashamed to say it, because you would cry too. I just took out my weave, and gave it to one of those miracle workers and I’m really hoping for a miracle.

Say a prayer for me guys.


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