Uchay Joel Chima’s No Longer Afraid of Shadows Showing at Soto

No Longer Afraid of Shadows: Uchay Joel Chima's Upcoming Exhibition at SOTO Gallery

SOTO Gallery is excited to announce a solo exhibition by the acclaimed artist Uchay Joel Chima, titled “No Longer Afraid of Shadows.” This exhibition will run from June 8 to July 1, 2024, and promises to be a profound exploration of the human experience through a unique blend of materials and mediums.

Uchay Joel Chima, a graduate of the Art School of the Institute of Management and Technology in Enugu, Nigeria, has built a reputation for his eclectic use of materials such as sacks, string, thread, copper wire, and charcoal. His work delves deep into the shadows that reside within us, encouraging viewers to confront and contemplate these often overlooked aspects of our lives.

“No Longer Afraid of Shadows” reflects Uchay’s journey of embracing and redefining these dark figures, transforming them into integral elements of his artistic narrative. The exhibition invites introspection and self-examination, urging us to consider how these shadows shape our identities and experiences.

Uchay’s artistic journey is marked by his commitment to addressing environmental and social issues through his art. His creative process involves a diverse array of found objects, including strings, sand, wax, and old sacks, combined with paint and other mediums. This unique approach results in thought-provoking presentations that challenge our perceptions and engage with contemporary societal issues.

Over the years, Uchay has showcased his work in prominent galleries and museums across Nigeria, South Africa, Canada, Sweden, Germany, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, and the United States. His participation in notable residency programs, including the Platteforum’s Artist Residency in Denver, Colorado, the Vermont Studio Center in Johnson, Vermont, Spark Box Studio in Ontario, Canada, and the One Minute Foundation in Amsterdam, Netherlands, has further enriched his artistic practice.

Uchay’s work has also gained recognition in international auction houses such as Bonhams, Arthouse Contemporary, and Lagos Art Auction. Currently, he maintains a studio in Lagos, Nigeria, where he continues to push the boundaries of contemporary art as the Founder and Artistic Director of the Museum of Contemporary Art (MoCA) Lagos.

For more information about the exhibition, please contact SOTO Gallery at [email protected]. Don’t miss this opportunity to experience the evocative and transformative works of Uchay Joel Chima in “No Longer Afraid of Shadows.”

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