Hi June-bugs,
So, summer is in full bloom and although it may mean more time at the beach, but it also means more time exposed to UV light and humidity. This can dehydrate your skin and cause it to look dull, and we do not want that do we?
When this happens, I love creating natural skincare D.I.Y’s to revive that #summerglow. Not only are they super simple to make at home, but they’re packed with a bunch of natural beauty benefits to help revitalize your skin so you can let your skin’s inner beauty shine through, and you don’t even need to go to a fancy spa to do it.
This simple exfoliating mask works wonders for oily, acne-prone skin as it uses the moisturizing power of bananas to leave your skin soft and reduce redness. Bananas are packed with antioxidants and potassium that naturally help combat acne while oatmeal helps to keep skin perfectly hydrated.
Watch how I achieved this below;
So get glowing girls!