8 things you must know before you buy that weave

In these trying economic times I decided to scrape together the small money left in my savings account and buy weave, because priorities right? Against my better judgment, I overlooked all the warning signs that indicated I was actually buying nonsense, that’s what awoof causes.

Luckily for me, the person I bought it from had a pretty fair return policy, and I have since returned the mess she sold me.

So you don’t make the same mistake I did when buying your new weave, you should read this.

  1. Quality of the weft.
    Make sure the weave is properly woven unto the weft. You don’t want all the hair to fall out of the weft by your fourth fix.
  2. Minimal shedding.
    Whether it’s straight, wavy or curly weave, run your hands or a paddle brush through the weave, to make sure there is no excessive shedding. If the hair starts coming off more than your dog’s hair does, don’t buy the weave.
  3.  Check out the texture, 
    The texture should be soft and lustrous, and have a dull sheen to it. Overly shiny hair is probably processed or synthetic hair.
  4. Expensive does not mean it’s quality. 
    Just because the dealer is selling three bundles of 16″ weave for 120k, doesn’t mean that the weave is going to look like Beyonce’s. Chances are that you might just be about to be heavily gba’d.

    Well sorry. it doesn't look like it
    Well sorry. it doesn’t look like it.
  5. If it’s a curly weave and all bundles have the exact same curl pattern, then it’s most likely not virgin human hair, and has been processed to just look like human hair.
  6. Look out for split/dry ends.
    Dry or split ends means the hair has probably passed through several chemical or/and mechanical processes, so that even if it was actual human hair you will probably not get many uses out of it.
  7. Check if it tangles.
    Human hair is usually what you call “cuticle correct”, this means that the hair’s cuticles are all running in the same direction. If the hair’s cuticles are not running in the same direction, then it’s most likely going to tangle a lot.
  8. You should be able to run a brush or comb through curly hair, and have the curls bounce right back. Any dealer who tells you not to do so, is probably not selling real hair to you, and they are actually giving you advance warning that the weave will cast in the long run.
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